
Genelec uses a whistleblowing channel. The channel is part of our responsibility operations, and the aim is to maintain open atmosphere and high ethics as well as to to inform us of any abuses in our actions.
Through the whistleblowing channel our stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, and cooperation partners can announce unwanted behavior anonymously. Unwanted behavior can for example be corruption, illegal actions, human rights violation, or other unethical activity. This channel is not for customer feedback or reclamations. When reporting a concern or misconduct you are bound to adhere to the principles of honesty and good intent.
All reports are handled confidentially. The handling process is conducted by named persons who has a professional confidentiality. The whole whistleblowing procedure is secured, and the platform is protected with password. The IP address of the whistleblower cannot be tracked. In this way, the report can be made totally anonymously. When the case is closed and the information is no longer needed for investigation, all the personal data will be erased.
Within seven days you will receive an acknowledgement of receiving the report as well as ID number and personal password. With ID number and password, you can sign into the channel again to follow the status of your report and to allow us to ask you further information. Please review any requests for additional information in the reporting platform in 10 days after you have submitted the report. You will receive feedback within three months.
To develop our operations, information about the received reports will be shared with the Management Team and the Board. The Board will be reported about the number of received reports, the results of investigations and other relevant information.
You can report your concerns here.
With this form, you can make a report of abuse as referred to in the Whistleblower Protection Act to the centralized external reporting channel of the Office of the Chancellor of Justice. Please note that the notification of misconduct observed in the organization's operations is primarily made to the organization's own, internal notification channel.
Chancellor of Justice – How to make a report?
External notification channel of the Office of the Chancellor of Justice
(In Finnish / Swedish)