Genelec 8361A picks up SOS Highly Commended Award

The honour is the direct result of votes cast by the magazine’s knowledgeable readership of engineers, producers and creatives.
We’d like to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone that voted for us, and to thank every user that’s given us valuable feedback about the 8361A, it means a great deal to us.
Late last year, Sound On Sound’s Bob Thomas enjoyed a detailed test run of the 8361A with and without our automated GLM 4 calibration software. In summary he noted that it’s “an active monitor that delivers an absolutely stunning overall performance, which can be used at distances from under 1m and up to 5m without any compromises in sound quality.”
We highly recommend heading over to SOS magazine’s website to read the rest of Bob’s review, and you can do so by clicking here.