CABSAT.virtual 2020
9. - 10.11.2020

So come and connect with our team, who will be providing expert advice on how our studio monitoring solutions can help you produce audio content that translates consistently to other playback systems – no matter how the content is being distributed and consumed.
Join us via live chat and web meetings where we’ll analyse your requirements and recommend a Genelec monitoring system to suit your needs – from the smallest editing suite to the largest dubbing theatre, from mono to the most complex immersive formats.
We’ll be showcasing our flagship ‘The Ones’ series of coaxial monitors – along with the complementary W371A Adaptive Woofer System – and explaining how our GLM calibration software works closely with all Genelec Smart Active Monitors to minimise the room’s influence on the sound, and deliver a true sonic reference.
Lastly, you’ll be able to browse a host of useful broadcast-related material – including videos, technical guides and brochures.
We look forward to seeing you!